University Park IFC has Arrived
University Park
IFC has
Be sure to search/select University Park IFC when registering. Registration is $10 and will remain open throughout the recruitment period.
Important Dates to know:
Thursday, January 15, time TBD – IFC Recruitment Kickoff (virtually on zoom)
Sunday, January 18 – Chapter Recruitment Events start
Saturday, January 24 – Bid Day
Sunday, January 25 – Open Recruitment for chapters that are participating
Who is the
University Park IFC?
Who is the University Park IFC?
The University Park Interfraternity Council (UPIFC) is a coalition of fraternities previously affiliated with the University of Southern California. This Council is committed to enhancing and supporting the fraternity experience while promoting peer-governance within and among its membership. The UPIFC fraternity chapters are recognized and supported by their respective national organizations.
Why University
Park IFC?
Why University Park IFC?
As student leaders committed to the USC community, we have a vision that is dedicated to safety, integrity and a commitment to service. The UPIFC will allow us to fully continue all normal activities, including philanthropy and fundraising events, community service, regular chapter meetings, officer elections and recruitment. We are excited to provide USC students and the local community an organized group of young men they can rely on.

UPIFC hosted its first-ever New Member Wellness Day on Sunday with keynote speaker @jamestrobo - James spoke to each chapter’s new members about the importance of healthy coping mechanisms, authentic leadership, and increasing trust among teams through humor and thought-provoking conversations. ...